Health Policies
Let’s please work together to keep our NDS children healthy and safe.
At Northshire Day School, we are not equipped to offer childcare for sick children and have a responsibility to limit the
spread of contagious illnesses. We kindly ask that all families follow the school health policies as outlined below.
Let’s work together to keep our NDS children healthy and safe.
Exclusion for Illness:
Children will be excluded from care until they have had improved or no symptoms for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication. These symptoms include:
- Fever of 100.4° or greater
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea (more than two times. Child will be sent home after the third loose stool.)
- Significant coughing
Your child may return to school when they have improved and/or no symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
A child diagnosed as having any of the following conditions may return to care as indicated.
- COVID-19 – Children may return to child care after isolating for five days if their symptoms have improved and they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
- Strep – 24 hours after medication is begun
- Hand, Foot and Mouth – No exclusion except if there are blisters or excessive drooling. May attend once symptoms subside and no blister drainage.
- Pinworm and ringworm infection: Children may return 24 hours after treatment is initiated
- Conjunctivitis: A prescription medicine must be applied for at least 24 hours before returning to school or a doctor’s note saying the child is not contagious.
- Impetigo – Children may return 48 hours after medication is begun and totally scabbed over
- Measles – Children may return 5 days after rash appears and a note from a physician
- Mumps – Children may return 9 days after swelling starts and a note from the physician
- Head lice – Children may return after prescription shampoo treatment and all eggs are removed and a follow up treatment in one week.
- Scabies: Children may return after two Kwell treatments on successive days.
- Bacterial Meningitis - with a physician's note.
- Chicken Pox - with a physician's note.
- Shigella - with a physician's note.
- Salmonella - with a physician's note.
- Giardia - with a physician's note.
- Polio - with a physician's note.
- Diphtheria - with a physician's note.
- Hepatitis A - with a physician's note.
- Rubella (German Measles) - with a physician's note.
- Pertussis (Whooping Cough) - with a physician's note.
- Influenza - with a physician's note.
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - with a physician's note.
- Scarlet Fever - with a physician's note.
- Pneumonia - with a physician's note.
A child shall be excluded if he or she is unable to take part comfortably in regular activities or needs care that significantly interferes with a provider’s ability to provide appropriate care for other children.
This health guidance is based on evolving health and safety information and is subject to change without prior notice.