
Admission & Enrollment

NDS accepts children for admission in the order in which their request for admission is received with exception to priority groups. Priority groups include children of teachers, staff, and board members, the siblings of children attending NDS and children who qualify for Head Start and Specialized Childcare.

Our intake process includes an initial inquiry made by a family interested in enrolling their child or children at our center. The Executive Director or

designee discusses the specific needs of the family and adds the child to the NDS Waiting List. Once there is an anticipated availability for enrollment,

the family is invited to tour the school, meet the Executive Director and teachers, receive detailed information about the school, and ask any questions

they may have.

Prior to a child’s start date, NDS provides the family with the Family Handbook, the enrollment packet, and contract required to be completed.

We create a transition plan with the family to ensure the child’s needs are met as he or she begins at NDS. Families must complete all the required

paperwork and submit it to the administration with the deposit payment prior to the child’s first day. A file will be created for each child.

Join our Waiting List

Click below to create a Brightwheel account and fill out the Waiting List form to add your child to our Waiting List.

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