Board of Trustees

Helping Define and Oversee Our School's Vision

Jacquelyne Wilson



Jackie recently retired from her career as an educator in the Manchester area. She began her educational career as a teacher at Manchester Elementary Middle School and on July 1 of 2020 she retired as the Superintendent for the Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union. Jackie was originally

from Cape Cod but has been a resident of Manchester since 1986. Jackie has many connections

in the region and cares deeply about education and the well-being of our youngest learners. She

is excited to join the Northshire Day School Board of Trustees and looks forward to continuing

to serve her community in this new role. 

Danny Sawtelle



Danny and his wife Meghan are the proud parents of one student at NDS with one more on the way.  Growing up in Greenwich, NY with two parents who were public school teachers instilled the value

of education, and the transformative effect it can have on a community early in life.  This has been reinforced through the wonderful experience that their son has had at NDS.  Serving on the board

is an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge he has acquired through 17 years in the financial services industry to further the mission of providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for all children enrolled at NDS.   

Marissa Eustace


Marissa lives in Manchester with her husband and son, who attends NDS. She has been passionate about Education since college where she spent time student teaching in DC during her senior year at Georgetown University. Marissa was born and raised in upstate NY and currently works in Product Operations for Hearst Communications.

Robyn V. Harrington



Robyn Harrington is the mother of two sons, in high school, who attended NDS between 2006 and 2014. NDS was an essential resource for Robyn and her family during their youngest years, and her sons enjoyed a highly positive and attentive, caring environment during their time there. Robyn has lived in southern Vermont for close to 30 years and works in real estate asset management at Manchester

Capital Management LLC. Robyn earned her bachelor’s degree from Williams College. She joined the

NDS board in early 2020 and is excited to give back to this important community organization.

Jon Comeau


Having lived in the Manchester area for over 25 years Jon has seen the important role NDS plays in our community. The importance of NDS and the education it provides took on new meaning when he became an NDS parent. He saw how NDS excelled in preparing his daughter for the next steps in her education and wants others to have that same opportunity.  Jon is a Product Development Specialist at Orvis for Dog products. Jon joined the board in 2019.

Irene Nadler


Irene joined the NDS Board last year and brings with her 40 years of experience as an educator. Most

of her professional career was on Long Island as a teacher, Central Office Administrator and Elementary Principal until she and her husband, Martin, retired to Vermont in 2001. They both continued as educators in several school districts in Vermont including MEMS, where they concluded their careers

in 2018. Joining the Board is an exciting new venture because of her belief that early childhood education is critical to a child's successful development. As a Board member, Irene looks forward

to supporting NDS as an essential program for early childhood education in the community

and the many families it serves. 

Mary Welford


Mary has re-joined the board after many years. She first served on the board when her children were young and is happy to be back now that they are all grown up. Mary is an attorney in town and operates a law firm, Welford and Sawyer, along with her husband, Brian Sawyer. Mary and Brian have lived in the Manchester area for over 30 years and raised their three sons here. They could not have managed their full time careers without the support of the Northshire Day School and they and their grown children are all beneficiaries of the amazing early education the day school provides.

Heidi Bourhill


Heidi lives in Dorset, VT with her husband and two children, both of whom have attended NDS. She is an active member of the community, coaching soccer at the local high school and youth level programs. Heidi attended Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire where she was able to have a focus on early childhood education and volunteer at the surrounding inner city school programs.

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